Your Main Topic Header
If you like the look of the layered backgrounds but don't want to give up all the "real estate" or use tables for layout, try this css based layout. It uses an external style sheet with the <div> tag which defines a division/section in a document. For more on the <div> tag.
- Choose a background image. You can use your own or try Textures Unlimited for a wide range of choices. If you want to use a second image for the inside content, choose one that blends nicely and that is not to dark so the text will be easy to read or choose to use a plain solid color.
- The menu on the left is again styled by the external style sheet and is an included page. For that, use either FrontPage includes or SSI.
- The Credits section is also included content.
- Both the html code and the style sheet code validate.
- This layout in use
Your sub topic header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices, sapien ut ullamcorper egestas, nulla enim iaculis quam, ut consequat mauris magna at nulla. Pellentesque in orci vel lectus consequat elementum. Nullam mattis quam id mauris. Cras vel nisl at neque porta pretium. Sed dignissim lacus nec nisl. Phasellus vel dui. Praesent bibendum vehicula odio. In commodo tortor. Integer molestie sollicitudin neque. Duis blandit molestie urna. Donec auctor. Sed eleifend tristique sem. Morbi scelerisque diam et enim. Nullam lobortis risus sit amet quam. Maecenas ultrices pretium felis.
Another sub topic header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices, sapien ut ullamcorper egestas, nulla enim iaculis quam, ut consequat mauris magna at nulla. Pellentesque in orci vel lectus consequat elementum. Nullam mattis quam id mauris. Cras vel nisl at neque porta pretium. Sed dignissim lacus nec nisl. Phasellus vel dui. Praesent bibendum vehicula odio. In commodo tortor. Integer molestie sollicitudin neque. Duis blandit molestie urna. Donec auctor. Sed eleifend tristique sem. Morbi scelerisque diam et enim. Nullam lobortis risus sit amet quam. Maecenas ultrices pretium felis.