Filename filters provide a way to filter out both files and directories with respect to both visibility and transfers. This would allow those of you who are using Microsoft FrontPage or Expression Web to publish your site using FileZilla and NOT have the _vti files/folders transfer to the remote server.
To view and/or configure your filters
This will bring up the 'Directory listing filters' dialog box. You will see
Fig 1: The screenshot shows the default filters
Any filters that are active will have a check next to them.
To modify any of the filters, select the Edit filter rules button located at the bottom left of the filter dialog (Fig 1). The Edit filters dialog, shows:
Fig 2: Select criteria for the filter selected.
To create a new filter:
Filter Conditions box - Choose if the filter should match : Any, All, or None of the criteria defined below.
To create a filter to keep any of the _vti files and folders created by either FrontPage or Expression Web from being published to the server, use the following:
Make sure you also enable the filter by checking it for the Local filters BEFORE you use Filezilla to transfer your FrontPage or Expression Web site to the server.
Written June 7, 2013
Planning a Genealogy Website 2nd Edition is available as a 42 page EBook in pdf format for you to download. It has been totally revised and updated with new content. The EBook is zipped for faster download. Save it to your desktop, extract the file and it is ready to use.
April 2007 - April 2013
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