Before you can begin to design your pages, you need an organization plan. Get out your paper and pencil and do some initial planning. Sketch out how you think you might layout your site.
If your site is very large and you put everything in one directory, after a while it may be difficult to find things. Spending some time thinking about your organization plan NOW, will save you time and headaches as your site grows.
Organize your site just like you would your filing cabinet. Cheri Zuber has done an excellent job of explaining this using FreePages as an example.
The most important thing to remember when organizing your site is to do it in a way that makes sense to you. You are the one who is going to have to maintain the site and keep track of where you put things. If everything is in one drawer/folder/directory of your file cabinet/server, things will quickly get lost. Reorganizing a website that has not been well thought out and planned can be a very time-consuming and tedious job. Sit down with a paper and pencil and spend some time thinking about the organization of your site. Using the drawing above as an example:
My genealogy site is about our family genealogy so I need a folder/directory for each of the family lines - two for my husband and two for me. In my root directory, I put all the pages that pertain to the entire site: index.html for the site introduction; site-map.html for the map of the entire site; about-us.html to tell a little about my husband and me. I create a folder for images and one called _includes (more on that later). I also create an image folder under each of the family folders.
I end up with something that looks like this as the outline of my site and the image on the left shows the site as it looks on my computer.
The time you spend organizing your site BEFORE you start developing your pages will save you time in the future. You are much less likely to have to go back and reorganize. Now that you have your site organized, decide how you are going to develop your site. What editor will you use?
Download Organizing Your Genealogy Website in pdf format.
Planning a Genealogy Website 2nd Edition is available as a 42 page EBook in pdf format for you to download. It has been totally revised and updated with new content. The EBook is zipped for faster download. Save it to your desktop, extract the file and it is ready to use.
April 2007 - April 2013
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